

  • 艾萨克Trevino业务发展,最佳工具&工程

  • 乔•Cherluck总统,最佳工具&工程

如果你曾经去过一个清洁并摆放整齐的商店,商店已经完全接受了精益,商店,让你希望你在那里工作的人,你可能感觉有点不知所措。“我希望我的店看起来像这样”,你想,“但我甚至不知道从哪里开始。你不能走进我们的店没有踩到一个问题。我真的有时间试着开始这样的?”In 2019 Joe Cherluck, President of Best Tool & Engineering, reached a milestone when he was accepted into the Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Business Program – a free "masters of business" that covers managing growth, money metrics, leadership, marketing, sales and negotiation. Overwhelmed with all the information, he didn't know where to start. Now a few years later, BTE has moved beyond the initial steps, but there's a long way to go. In a shop where until recently was still stepping around a pile of c-clamps on the floor, you will learn about BTE's decision-making process, the resources they've used, and journey towards a more sustainable future. Come learn the answer to the burning question, "Where do you start?"


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